Projects for Learning Disability & Autism

Gait Training System
Many mentally challenged people grow physically but they cannot perform many simple actions like walking as normal individuals do. This is because the neural cells in the brain of such people are not developed as in the case of normal human beings. So their legs are weak and they cannot move their legs even to stand on their feet. So training is required to make them walk on their own. The training process is painful and boring for them so they show reluctance in taking training. The most challenging aspect in designing “GAIT TRAINING SYSTEM” for the mentally challenged people is to motivate them to walk by playing music. This inspires them to take a move without any support or motivation.
Gait Training System
The mentally challenged people is to motivate them to walk by playing music

Voice Activated Snoezelen Bubble Tube
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According to census 2001, it is estimated that over 21 million people in India are suffering from one or the other kind of disability. This is equivalent to 2.1% of the total population. Of all the disabilities, the mentally challenged children are nearly 10.3%. This is quite a huge percentage. The Snoezelen therapy is now effectively being used for the development of the mentally challenged. The mentally challenged children cannot communicate with others comfortably. They may get into depression when they are alone and often feel disturbed and cannot come out of this state by themselves. One way to get them out of their depression is to provide them some entertainment in the form of music or by providing some colours appear in front of them.
This project “VOICE ACTIVATED SNOEZELEN BUBBLE TUBE (VASBT)” is useful for the mentally challenged children. The bubble tube also provides multisensory stimulation and provides soothing to the people who are suffering from dementia. The Snoezelen therapy is now being used for curing the people suffering from autism and other developmental disorders such as dementia and brain injuries. In voice activated Snoezelen bubble tube, the led’s will dance according to the music
and also produce colour spectrum. This concept is being used in many fields such as schools, hospitals and in many places. Ultimately the voice activated Snoezelen bubble tube will be useful and provides entertainment to every person. The voice activated Snoezelen bubble tube will be a very useful product and as this is developed taking economic factors into consideration, it is cost effective and is affordable to everyone
Snoezelen Bubble Tube
provides multisensory stimulation, soothing to the people who suffering from dementia

Interactive Number Learning System
Depending on the way the mentally challenged children learn things, they are categorized into groups such as visual learners, auditory learners, reading /writing preference learners, kinaesthetic learners. This paper integrates all the learning abilities of mentally challenged children and proposes an Interactive Number Learning System. It helps mentally challenged children to learn the basic numbers between 0-9. Here, sensors are used for this purpose to activate the required message pin so that, the speaker gives the voice of the particular number. It consists of both passive and active levels to entertain as well as to encourage the child to think and play.
Number Learning System
It helps mentally challenged children to learn the basic numbers

Map Identifier
Visually challenged children do not have visual access to the world. More often this is done through verbal descriptions and presentation of tactile models and graphics. The project “Learning Aids for the Visually Challenged” incorporates a tactile graphic system to identify the shape of a structure. While maps of continents and countries, city maps and building layouts are the most obvious uses for tactile graphics, the educational potential hidden in raised lines and textures goes far beyond such displays. Geometric figures, cross sections of single cells and of whole living organisms, machines, graphs and diagrams of everyday objects, plants and animals etc can be made accessible to the blind students through these tactile graphic learning aids. However, there are limitations to tactile images because they need excessive labelling and it may be difficult for the hands to locate and relate all the features of the image. So, there is a need for putting an audio signal together with the tactile image. So, audio messages are juxtaposed with the tactile graphics in this project to teach the blind children
Map Identifier
Map identifier through verbal descriptions and presentation of tactile models and graphics
Other Projects. Please contact us for more details.
- Reading assistance for dyslexic
- Intellipad
- Things that go together – Autism
- Kidzone – A Mobile App for kids
- Behaviour modification device
- Electronic learning tool