Smart Cane for the Visually Challenged
Why “E-Stick” Smart Cane?
E-Stick is used to help the visually challenged people to move independently from one place to another even in unfamiliar places. As E-Stick makes visually challenged people more independent, it is certainly an aid that helps not only in navigation but also in boosting up their morale.
E-Stick aims at providing obstacle free navigation for visually challenged people by alerting them with a beep whenever there is an obstacle above knee height


E-Stick is a simple easy to use electronic travel aid for the visually challenged people. It uses a snapfit casing which holds all the electronic circuitry and the battery. The bottom end of the casing is connected to the foldable/rigid cane. The obstacle identification sensor is placed in the front part of the casing. The E-stick can detect obstacles which are at a distance of 1m above the knee height of the user and alerts the user through a beep sound. The main advantage of this product is that it provides additional features to the regular white mobility cane that the visually challenged persons are currently using. Making the user more independent, the E-Stick has edge over the white mobility cane. So, it is easy to get trained with this product.
Get E-Stick
The most affordable smart solution for the visually challenged
only ₹1000